понедельник, 20 июля 2009 г.


(Testosterone showed no ester) (Testosterone + 3 broadcasts) [17b-hydroxy-4-androstene-3-one] Formula (base): C27 H40 O3 Formula Esters Acetate: C2 H4 O2 Valerate; C5 H10 O2 Undecanoate: C11 H22 O2 Molecular Weight (base): 288,429 Molecular Weight Esters Acetate: 60.0524 Valerate: 102.13 Undecanoate: 186.2936 Melting Point (base): 155 ° C bis Manufacturer: Ft Dodge Effective Dose (men): 400-600mgs/week Active Life: 15-16 days Detection time: up to 3 months Anabolic / Androgenic ratio: 100:100 It is indeed a very interesting is the extent of testosterone mixes go. This led to Ft.Dodge, who has a good reputation for quality. I think I'm going against the grain here (shocking, huh?), And say that only testosterone, I have absolutely no problem recommending to women. A cursory glance at its low concentration, shows us why: Testosterone acetate: 12mg Testosterone Valerate: 12mg Testosterone Undecanoate: 36mg (A total of 60mg of testosterone in ml) So essentially what we have here is a combination of short and long esters in very low concentrations. Iâ € ™ LL branch reach and your average athlete will not be happy with the shooting of a bottle of this equipment in a week. See, it is packaged in a 10 ml vial in packs of 12, and you can even buy a case of "a dozen dozen (a dozen boxes of a dozen bottles of 10 ml each) aka gross (144 bottles) . It is a great purchase, as you do on the way to less, and it is quite a lot of testosterone. The problem is that you need to turn a bottle a week to get a dose of pleasure but itâ € ™ s not too bad if you use something like Masteron Tren A or with him (and you often need to run at all). A new use of it may be 1 day per week (or even every two weeks) for injections athletes the courage to try testosterone, or even for use in devices dilution painful. I can imagine that the T400 or Andropen275 May be a viable option for those who want to relieve the pain of these plans, and possibly create a Frankenstein monster of a mixture of esters of testosterone in the syringe.


(Nandrolone decanoate) Deca - Durabolin ( "Deca") is actually a brand name of Organon version of nandrolone decanoate. This 19-Nor compound (some would say that this is neither the 19-connection), and as such it is essentially the same with all the characteristics of them. Deca one above almost all steroids, is the mystique he had in the last quarter century. On a personal level, I have included in Deca cycles at doses of 2000 AMS 100mgs/week week. Suffice it to say, I share my experience with this compound. This drug is very well regarded in Dan Duchaine Steroid Handbook, and many of his recent writings. For many, this has been and remains the last word in the bridge. Let's dive into some of the reasons why the Deca mysticism, it is deserved. First, the bridge (nandrolone, and in general) do not produce many estrogenic or androgenic effects. This is because Deca has a very low level of aromatization (conversion to estrogen by the aromatase enzyme), approximately equal to 20% of the rate of testosterone. In addition, I read many places that the water in the stores Deca tissue and relieve pain in joints. I have no idea what "storing water in the joints" means. I do not really know how to quantify this statement, or when it began. However, in a study postmenapusal women CAED impoved collagen synthesis (1), and in another study to increase the bone mineral content of the bridge. (2) In these two studies used very low doses that were too low to promote muscle growth. In my opinion, on the basis 2 of these studies, an athlete attempting to use Deca for these two effects (increase in bone mineral density and collagen synthesis), the use of deca 100mg every week. It is due to a higher dose than the two studies have used successfully. Even at half this dose, the HIV + patients who have suffered significant cost and 100mg/E2W (every 2 weeks) injection of the bridge leading to a significant increase in weight (5). I never recommend the lowest dose for athletes, but the evidence strongly anabolic Deca. Deca highly anabolic, resulting in a good (albeit slowly) improving the quality of muscle. May this be due to its relatively strong binding to the androgen receptor and its many non-androgen receptor mediated effects. Such an effect is the retention of nitrogen, which is one of the main factors of growth and gains in lean muscle mass and, in one study, low dose (65 mg / week) and high doses of deca ( 200 mg per week), and low-dose and high doses resulted in significant retention of nitrogen (33-52 g nitrogen/14 days, representing gains of 0.5 to 0.9 kg of fabric lean / week) and body weight increased by 4.9 + / - 1.2 kg, including 3.1 + / - 0.5 kg lean body mass, and the management of the activity (cardio-vascular, from fitness) also improved (7). Do I need to say that the higher doses in this study produced more profit? Steroid.com members who have posted their results with the deca to confirm this in many posts and son, with their average time to 400-600mgs/week muscle reccomendation. I agree. Deck also has a very long shelf life. We can see from the table below, the firing 100mg Deca (represented by circles), produced relatively active and stable plasma levels of nandrolone to about 10 days, once per week plans are anything which is necessary to ensure stability nandrolond decanoate (As a side note, the nandrolone phenylpropionate used in this study was active, and only a sharp drop of about 5 per day, shooting plants every 4 days en route). You'll also notice that the increase in plasma levels of nandrolone found with gluteal injection versus deltoid injection (which is true for all oil-based steroids, I suppose). In another study, HIV + men (6) we find that the deca (200mg for 1 week, 400 for 2 weeks and 600mg for weeks 3-12) has no negative side effects of total or LDL-cholesterol, triglycerides, or insulin sensitivity and lower HDL cholesterol (8-10 points) in both groups. In addition, most studies on HIV + subjects, Dean also improve immune function. So what we know to date on this complex? So far, we know that Deca is a safe drug for long-term use contributes to common problems, improve immune function in May, and very (!) Is not very anabolic and androgenic. This is good news (and there are many things), now the bad news: Deca is the quality of the production of weight gain, but must be used within 12 weeks, at least judging Steroid.com member feedback, as well as my own personal experience. This should not cause problems, because it is very flexible in terms of drug side effects. Deca - Durabolin Side Effects Many members of Steroid.com also complain of water retention with this drug, and again, I am inclined to agree. Letrozole appears to be the preferred option to deal with this, and this is my favorite for this use. This water is likely to make Deca more suitable for bulking rather strongly that, even if it can be used successfully before. Now, for the worst news: Deca is a progestin (like all nandrolone), unfortunately, it is stimulating progesterone receptor 20% as well as progesterone itself (3), and it opens the door to many undesirable side effects (water retention, acne etc. ..). It should be noted that most of them are rare, however. May it also be a major reason why a Deca suppressive drug when it comes to your natural level of testosterone. We can see the table below that pitiful simgle Deca 100mg injections caused the whole (100%) reduction in natural levels of testosterone, and it took about a month to return to these levels of testosterone at the base! All from 100mg of Deca! The moral of this story? Always use Deca with testosterone! I propose to 200mg a minimum to avoid impotence and sexual dysfunction. For the anabolic effects of testosterone, I recommend at least twice more, with an equal amount of bridge (at least). I also recommend taking anti-progesteronic Bridge drugs (or at least its part) and cabergoline Bromocriptine is a good choice. Deca - Durabolin Cycle So where are we? Well, I recommend comfortable Deca for use in bulking cycle 600mgs/week long term (12-16 weeks) or until a sharp 400mgs/week cycle (again, for 12-16 weeks) as long as something to address the retention is present. What is the purpose that you choose to use Deca, you must include in your cycle of testosterone and anti-progesteronic control (see paragraph above), just in case. Post-cycle therapy (PCT), well beyond the scope of this profile, you must comment. Because of the repressive nature of the decoration, I'm going to assume that testosterone deca-inclusive cycle must be executed for at least 2 weeks after the end of December. We are aware of the table is higher than the basic level of testosterone, took about a month to go back. Thus, a long estered testosterone should be started about 2 weeks longer than the bridge to prevent it from falling behind in time, when the bridge is not the formation of the anabolic effects, but it is still deleting your testosterone levels naturally. I would also like particularly aggressive PCT be run after the cycle NOLVADEX, hCG, and perhaps, Clomid should be used in an attempt to restore the levels of natural hormones, as quickly and efficiently as possible. Buy Deca - Derabolin To buy Deca - Durabolin human pharmaceutical evaluation of the donor that the stocks of the Organon brand will be an expensive proposition. You may pay more than $ 10USD for the amplifier or 2 ml vial, and the product (in my opinion) probably the most false of steroids in the world. Acquisition of quality veterinary medicine will make it much cheaper, with $ 75 in the average price for the ten milliliter bottle. There are also many underground labs that produce the drug and usually 10-20ml of 200mg/ml concentration never run more than $ 100. Deca Information (Base + Nandrolone decanoate ester) [19-nor-androst-4-ene-3-one-17beta-OL] Molecular Weight (base): 274.4022 Molecular Weight (ester): 172.2668 Formula (base): C18 H26 O2 Formula (ester): C10 H20 O2 Melting Point (base): 122-124 ° C Melting Point (ester): 31 - 32 Manufacturer: Organon Release Date (U.S. $): 1962 Effective Dose (men): 200-600mgs/week (2mg/lb body) Effective Dose (Women): 50-100mgs/week Working life: 15 days Detection time: up to 18 months Anabolic / Androgenic ratio: 125:37 References: Metabolism. 1990 Nov; 39 (11) :1167-9 Effects of nandrolone decanoate on bone mineral content R, Righi GA, Turchetti V, A. Vattimo). Cancer Res 1978 Nov 38 (11 Pt 2) :4186-98 (Charts) of Minto et al AIDS. 10 June 1996 (7) :745-52 Sattler et al. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 283: e1214-22 J acquire Immune Defic Syndr Hum Retrovirol. 1999 Feb 1; 20 (2) :137-46.


(liothyronine sodium) Cytomel is synthetic T3 hormone. In May, you know, the more natural T3 is not made directly in your thyroid gland and the conversion of thyroid hormones T4. (8) T3 Cytomel weight loss T3 is a natural regulator of oxidative metabolism of substrates of energy (food or stored substrates like fat, muscle, and glycogen) in the mitochondria. In the mitochondria, as you recall in May from your school courses in biology, usually called "cell influence, because they produce ATP. Taking Cytomel (T3 Supplementary) significantly improves digestibility of nutrients in the mitochondria, and rate of oxidation (ie the speed at which they are burned for energy), increasing the activity of enzymes involved in oxidative metabolic pathways. All this work is difficult, in other words, more fuel is required in addition to the increased pace of work. So, as you might guess, taking additional Cytomel will increase your body needs energy. And if you are in a hypocaloric state, will start burning even thicker in the first place due to the increase of ATP. This increase in ATP leads to an increase in overall metabolic activity. (8) (9) This is exactly what we want if we are going to take thyroid hormones, as Cytomel first. If you take Cytomel with anabolic steroids, however, your body starts eating muscle in May to provide energy to your office. Remember the mitochondria / APC is not very picky, but they are very effective. What I mean is that they will use whatever is on your hands to get energy for your body to continue to function, fat, protein, glucose, not have to ATP and, where appropriate, to give them energy. In view of this drug will increase their need to find something to write to create this energy. Ergo, if we are not taking anabolic steroids to take our T3, May we lose too much muscle, especially during a diet. Thus we see that there are many advantages in the use of Cytomel optimize our metabolic rate. It will also increase your body's ability to synthesize proteins, and what I saw in person, he acts as a catabolic, not when it is administered with anabolic steroids. Too often in recent precontest added to food because it has a reputation for getting rid of these percentages of bodyfat and "fat", as it is known in bodybuilding, the fat that simply do not want to leave you in the past few weeks to plan. I think it is wrong to use the drug, and should first be added to the ration of fat to lose, because it will optimize your metabolic rate, which must be done at the beginning of a regime, but not beyond the caloric restriction decreased your thyroid production, and you add it to simply replace what was lost. Cytomel Side Effects Unfortunately, all the studies I've seen, T3 also increased the production of growth hormone. (5) (6) As we all know, GH is also strongly lipolytic compound, and this is another mechanism by which T3 May have an impact, although I think this is a small part of its overall impact . To do this, it was always a bit difficult for me to note that when GH and T3 are used together, increase nitrogen retention, generally with the use of GH for nothing. (7). If you were only using the T3 and GH May be a problem, but as I said, you'll need some anabolic agents, if you use the T3. And, as you read earlier, I recommend this anabolic / lipolytic orgy of insulin, T3, anabolic steroids, GH and insulin, 100% maximum impact in minimum time. The good side, and special attention to Dieters, administration of T3, as shown, upregulates beta-2 receptors in adipose tissue. As you know, clenbuterol and related compounds downregulate this receptor, so that aid T3 clen help prevent or reverse this decline. (1) (2) (3) (4). I would still recommend taking BENADRYL every three weeks, however. The passage of Cytomel Finally, I would like to address the issue of restoring the natural function of your thyroid gland after you stop taking Cytomel. The horror stories of people permanently thyroid replacement is not true. I remember a few years ago, the rumor circulating that the current Ms.Fitness was finally extinguished his thyroid gland and are now fat, and thyroid hormone on an ongoing basis. It's just another horror story based on hearsay and nothing more than conjecture, the study focused on the people I showed the restoration of their thyroid hormone relatively quickly (within one month , no more) will leave after a few years (!) replacement therapy of the thyroid (10) (11). I guess you can maximize your metabolic rate with Cytomel for 9-10 months per year, and only for you normalize 2-3 months (perhaps in winter, when you turn off the key), then. Some people in the studies I read were T3 and 30 years returned to their natural function of the thyroid gland in the short term. I think we can take sporting career using Cytomel 9-10 months of the year, but just take a few months before the normalization itself. Is it aggressive? Yes. It is dangerous? NO. References: Catecholamines inhibit Ca (2 +)-dependent proteolysis in rat skeletal muscle through beta (2)-adrenergic and tsAMF. Navegantes LC, Resano NM, Migliorini RH, IC Kettelhut Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2001 Sep; 281 (3): E449-54 The situation of human Adipocyte gene in thyroid hormone J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2002 Feb; 87 (2) :630-4 Viguerie N, Millet L, Avizou S, H Vidal, D Larrouy, D. Langin Alpha 2 - and beta-adrenergic receptors and action in binding gluteal adipocytes from patients with hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism metabolism in November 1987, 36 (11) :1031-9, Richelsen B, Sorensen NS Regulation of beta 1 - and 3-beta-adrenergic agonists stimulated lipolytic response hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism rat white adipocytes Br J Pharmacol 2000 Feb; 129 (3) :448-56. Germack R Starzec A, Perret GY The role of thyroid hormones in controlling the gene for growth hormone Braz J Med Biol Res May 1994, 27 (5) :1269-72. Volpato CB, Nunes MT. Low-dose T (3) to improve the bed rest model of simulated weightlessness in men and women. Am J Physiol 1999 Aug; 277 (2 Pt 1): E370-9, Lovejoy JC, Smith RA, Zachwieja JJ, Bray GA, Windhauser MM, Wickersham PJ, Veldhuis JD, Tulley R, de - La-BRETONNE JA. The long-term effects of growth hormone (GH) and triiodothyronine (T3) administration on functional hepatic nitrogen in normal human clearance. Wolthers T, T grøfter, Moller N, Vilstrup H, Jorgensen. J Hepatol 1996 Mar; 24 (3) :313-9 Human Anatomy and Physiology, 6th edition. John W. Hole Jr. Doctors Help Desk Recovery of pituitary thyrotropic function after withdrawal of long-term anti-thyroid therapy. N Engl J Med 1975 October 2, 293 (14) :681-4 Vagenakis AG, Braverman LE, Aziz M, Portinay GI, Ingbar SH. Distribution of the restoration of the hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid axis in chronic patients with thyroid therapy taken. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1975 Jul; 41 (1) :70-80 Krugman LG, Hershman JM, Chopra IJ, Levine GA, Pekary E, Geffner DL, Chua Teco GN


Aminoglutethimide Cytadren (aminoglutethimide) is one of the most interesting compounds in the manufacturer's arsenal of accessories. This is really not very popular today, but one or two decades ago, it was considered the state of affairs, and was appreciated for bodybuilders, many of its properties. Let's first consider the primary use is that, in ANTI-ESTROGEN complex. is able to produce very significant (almost total) estrogen fight (1), and it is certainly of interest to athletes who use steroids, which are converted to estrogen. Unfortunately, in this fight, estrogens are not accompanied by an increase in other hormones (testosterone, LH, FSH, etc. ..) that many other anti-estrogenic compounds cause. Thus, Cytadren, will probably not be the first choice for any person to use post-cycle treatment. The case, which, in my opinion, distinguishes it from other auxiliary compounds currently in use today is its unique ability to inhibit the production of cortisol. Cortisol, as you recall, is a catabolic hormone, but also destroys the muscles. Cytadren prevents the conversion of cholesterol to Pregnenolone (2), and also prevents the effect of aromatase. Thus, Cytadren quite unique in how these skills and, of course, none of the AI I've seen, since nothing similar to the effect of cortisol. Medical Cytadren used to fight against breast cancer and / or Hyperadrenocorticism and only medication currently (as far as I know) that can be successfully used for the purposes of (1) (3). May it be the same anti-depressant properties (4) (5). During a cycle, it can be used both to lower levels of cortisol with intense training, and reduce the level of estrogen. Sounds almost perfect, right? This use will allow us to consider using Arimidex, Nolvadex, or a compound similar to the strict use of the cycle, when growth of the test, LH, FSH, and would be more appropriate ... Well, not quite perfect, as you will soon see. The first problem is that a (possibly) could lead to a lower level of androgens. Best we can hope is that it has little influence on circulating levels of androgens (1). The problem is that eventually your body, a smart cookie, who begin to find ways to compensate for the reduction of cortisol, or more, or the difficulty Cytadren effect. Great ... Although cortisol is not present in your body, your joints will болящий. Yes, I actually used this equipment (I have in the name of science!), And he has worked and I look more "hair" and smaller, but I remember well, it made me sleep . May this be related to its effects on the adrenal cortex, I do not know, but it is good guess. If you think Cytadren on the use for this purpose, I must tell you to forget. Three grams of vitamin C reduced by nearly Cytadren cortisol in AMS 1000, literature, I have seen in both, and vitamin C, not to do so by your adrenal response (7). Grams of vitamin C reduced the cortisol 1/3rd ultramarathon competitors (8) (these are the people who apparently do not have cars, so they are forced to run 90 km at the time). I can not justify taking Cytadren for a long period of time, reducing cortisol levels when the vitamin could do the same, lower prices, but also other benefits. Then, we take care of Cytadren in liver toxicity (3). This material is very stressful to the liver. I think we can use milk and fields, but we really want to risk, where the impact of cortisol on the short term and could reduce the level of circulating androgens? Maybe ... See, you can use this equipment (if any) in the last week, up to weights for food, where your circulating androgens are now completely replaced by the synthetic androgen, and you do not give your adrenal several chances to close and make you lethargic, I think May is useful. Taking 500mgs/day for the last week of preparation for competition can help in a dry place, the latter song, and the province, a growing array of production of cortisol over long enough to make a CD of your competitors. For athletes of the examination of this connection to their cycles, I think that this is not a viable option, if you think all other options. References: Preservation of the secretion of androgens to estrogen suppression with aminoglutethimide in the treatment of metastatic breast cancer. J Clin Invest. 65 March 1980 (3): 602? 612. Adrenocortical steroidogenesis and aminoglutethimide I. biomedical research. Biomedicine. May 1973, 18 (3) :185-91. The use of aminoglutethimide in the treatment of pituitary-dependent Hyperadrenocorticism dogs. J Small Anim Pract. 2002 Mar; 43 (3) :104-8. The treatment of depression with antiglucocorticoid drugs.Psychosom Med. 1999 Sep-Oct; 61 (5) :698-711. Neuroendocrine responses to inhibitors of steroid biosynthesis in patients with major depression resistant to antidepressant therapy.Can J Psychiatry. April 1998, 43 (3) :279-86. Metastatic breast cancer with aminoglutethimide.Cancer. 1981 Apr 15; 47 (8) :1954-8. In the randomized controlled trial of high doses of ascorbic acid to reduce blood pressure, cortisol and subjective responses to psychological stress. Psychopharmacology (Berl). January 2002, 159 (3) :319-24. Epub 2001 Nov 20. Mitigation of traffic growth and cortisol increase the response of acute phase proteins in vitamin C-supplemented ultramarathoners.Int J


Cyclofenil is the least popular of the three selective modulators of estrogen receptors (SERM), which is used in the sports world today. I used this equipment for about five years when it was as easy as Clomid, and a little cheaper. As we already know, SERMs induce ovulation in women and (more importantly for us) an increase of testosterone and other hormones useful. This drug works by simulating the effects of testosterone negative feedback loop obstruction caused by estrogen, as regards the production of testosterone. This, in turn, increases the secretion of the hormone release of gonadotropins, which increases the power of the luteinizing hormone, which (finally!) Increased secretion of testosterone by the testis. So what we have here is the link as a SERM, will prevent gyno by binding with estrogen receptors in breast tissue, which prevents estrogen from binding highest of these tissues. This should be familiar territory, if you remember your facts Clomid and Nolvadex. The results show that cyclofenil ironically, has two opposing actions on the hypothalamus-pituitary axis, one of which is estrogen-being that lowers the level of serum FSH and competition will lie within tissue (and remember), and other actions of anti-type, as it decreases the level of PRL in serum and increased levels of LH (4). Overproduction of prolactin, as you remember to remove the testosterone and can cause lactation (gross!) In human breast tissue. From the reading I've done on this complex, I think, 400-600mgs/day would be an appropriate dose for use in the post-treatment cycle, or during the cycle (4). Dan Duchaine is estimated at about the same as twice as large as compared with the Clomid, twice as often. Because of its accessibility and cost relative to other SERMs, such as Nolvadex and Clomid, I do not see this material found its way into the support of many people treatment. References: Cyclofenil hormonal influence on the dynamics of follicular development and cervical mucus in normal and oligomenorrhoeic women. Hum Reprod. January 1992, 7 (1) :39-43. [Cyclofenil caused by acute hepatitis. In the case of the retrospective diagnosis of acute hepatitis B]. Recenti Prog Med. April 1991, 82 (4) :236-9. Italian. [Induction of ovulation in 1985] J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod (Paris). 1985, 14 (7) :899-913. Review Plasma FSH, LH and prolactin in women after menopause cyclofenil Treaty. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 1982, 61 (6) :487-90.


(clomiphene citrate) Clomid is a drug given to women for use as a fertility aid. It is a SERM (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator) which acts by binding to estrogen receptors and block estrogen do the same. Clearly this is advantageous when it binds to breast tissue, and prevents estrogen from binding because gynocomastia (although not as effective as NOLVADEX for this purpose). It also opposes the negative feedback that the body in relation to estrogen and the HPTA (hypothalamus-pituitary-testicular-Axis), which in turn stimulates LH (Leutenizing hormone) and FSH (follicle stimulating hormone ). LH and FSH in turn stimulates the release of testosterone. Obviously, this is beneficial for bodybuilders and athletes at the end of the cycle and the beginning of my post cycle therapy. What we have in Clomid is primarily drug that acts as a preventive measure against gynocomastia and the drug that acts to raise endogenous (natural) testosterone levels. In general, it is compared with another SERM, Nolvadex, for those reasons. Clomid, however, much lower than in mg mg NOLVADEX compared to about 150mg of Clomid equal to 20mg of NOLVADEX (1). It should be noted, however, that 150mg of Clomid again raise the level of testosterone, about 150% of the reference value (1). You do not have to use 150mg However, in my research, I discovered that these low doses, 50mg as shown improvements and elevations in testosterone levels (4). In fact, my first cycle after therapy regime (as suggested by Dan Duchaine in the metro Steroid Handbook) was 100mg daily for one week and 50mgs/day in a week. Do not laugh and at the end of 90 years, when most anabolic steroid users did not even know how to use Clomid, it is considered "modern" PCT routine. I suspect that Duchaine originally composed using steroids community. Clomid as NOLVADEX, very safe for long-term treatment to reduce the level of testosterone (2), some studies have demonstrated its safety and efficacy for up to four months. And after the cycle, when steroid users who have lower testosterone levels when Clomid is most effective. I used to run Clomid for about 3 weeks after the end of the cycle, 100-150mg. Not more than that, and I experience emotional side effects (no, really) due to excess circulating estrogen I have in my body. All this extra estrogen, and we Moody, and it will be difficult to remove the training and cardio between rehearsals of "The Sex and the City" (OK, I exaggerate). Clomid Side Effects The problem arises in a very aggressive Clomid PCT usual. I took very high doses (150mgs/day) of Clomid for an extended period (more than one month) and has a vision problem. When I looked closer the object, it was common in steroid.com members. After investigation, I found the visual neuropathy (a nice way to say "vision") was actually very common in using Clomid (5) (6). Since I already wear contact lenses, I removed my Clomid PCT routine. Clomid success Clomid recently fell out of favor for post-cycle process, but if you are not prone to vision problems and emotional problems, it is just as good as NOLVADEX increase the dose of testosterone is used, if necessary. I recommend using 150mgs/day within ten days, and reducing the dose to 50mg every ten days until you have finished the day 30. Many athletes and bodybuilders have used, I spoke in the same way, we found that it restores their testosterone levels are normal. How to buy Clomid This product is widely available in many supply companies for research, usually in liquid form, as well as most of the laboratories that produce their own version of it in capsules. In all cases, you should not pay more than $ 1 per 50-100mg of it (usually 2 or 1-caps 2mls liquid). References: Fertil Steril. 1978 Mar; 29 (3) :320-7. Int J Impot Res. 15 June 2003 (3) :156-65. Understand the kind of error in immunity: effects of estrogen on the differentiation and function of antigen-presenting cells. Immunol Res. 2005, 31 (2) :91-106. The effects of normal aging, in response to the pituitary-gonadal axis chronic administration of clomiphene men. J Androl 1991 Jul-Aug, 12 (4) :258-63 Associated with optic neuropathy of clomiphene citrate therapy. Fertil Steril. 1994 Feb; 61 (2) :390-1 Visual secondary violation of clomiphene citrate. Arch Ophthalmol. April 1995, 113 (4) :482-4


(Člen) Clenbuterol (clen) is a selective beta-2 agonist / antagonist and a bronchodilator. What does this mean that it stimulates the beta-2 receptors. Of great importance is the fact that clenbuterol is a selective beta-2 agonist (because it works selectively on beta-2-andrenergic receptors), right? In fact, clenbuterol selective ... as typing a line (the line in your beta-2), with a small hammer (a hammer is the Člen) ... Thus, it enters the beta-2 receptors selectively. Sorry if this is repetitive, but it is very important to understand that before we move. Since clenbuterol has very little beta-1 stimulating ability, it has the potential to reduce certain types of air without the cardiovascular effects (more about that later), and for this reason it is used as medication against asthma. So what is the dose of stimulant as Člen (or ephedrine), where it stimulates the beta receptors? Well, it serves to increase the body temperature of a little heat due to increased production in the mitochondria, increase your base metabolic rate and decreased appetite (1). This partly explains how Beta-2 agonists directly stimulate fat cells and increase lypolysis (FAT-loss) (1) (13). And also because it is a beta-2 agent, clen can decrease insulin sensitivity (2), unfortunately. Clenbuterol fat loss Clenbuterol is a very effective pre-and this is what he is most often used in sporting circles. This will increase your rate of fat-free mass (mission) for the fat by reducing your fat and increase the mission of May (3). You can quantify it as follows: In one study, horses Given half a reasonable dose of clen (slightly over 1mcg/lb X2 per day) and is carried out on 20 minutes, 3 times a week (I think they Mentzer disciples) had significant reduction in% fat (-17.6%) and fat mass (-19.5%) for 2 weeks, which is similar to Člen given to horses who do not exercise, however, the group has carried out various missions response that increased significantly (+4.4%) at week 6 (3). Week 6! Here is a diagram illustrating changes in% fat of experience in the different test groups, followed by a chart showing the increase in fat free mass seen the same group: Changes in the percentage of body fat (% fat) over time and the period in clenbuterol (ClenEx, A) that clenbuterol (clen, b) the exercise (eg C) and control (Con; D) groups. Means of different letters (A and B) are significantly different. Changes in fat free mass (mission) over time in ClenEx (A), Člen (B), Ex (C) and Con (D). Means of different letters (AC), are quite different. I think these cards should illustrate clearly the effects of pre-Člen, despite what is known, its effects on animals are usually much larger than the population I. There is still no doubt, in my opinion, Člen will help you lose fat and gain muscle. So let us re-examine the first point I made: Člen + clen to produce approximately the same results for the first 2 weeks! This tells me that 2 weeks and 2 weeks of clen dosage is far from optimal, and if you want a quasi-anabolic effect of clen, it will take more than 2 weeks (6 weeks apparently). In addition, since clen alone is similar to clen + exercise for the first 2 weeks ... why you use 2on/2off protocol? Keep in mind that the responses of animals beta-agonist/antagonists slightly different from ours, but I am sure you have the idea that the greater the dose 2on/2off protocol. If I were using clen, I would use it for 6-12 weeks at a time when I expected to get the most out of it, but certainly the most dramatic consequences of the loss of fat seems to be in 1 -2 weeks. The reasons for the continued growth of the Mission for about 6 weeks, despite the lack of variation in% fat or fat is not easy to explain ... May clenbuterol It may be that the increase of the mission by another means nonreceptor mediation, which will be very good for us because the anabolic effects would also apply to individuals, despite the fact that animals often respond dramatically more beta-agonist/antagonists, as regards the properties of the receiver .. However, clenbuterol is liposoluble, between May and muscle tissue (12), which could indicate a possible mechanism of work. Perhaps to explain the significant increase in the mission of 13 kg for 8 weeks during the study? Of course, the muscle protein synthesis (MPS) should be part of it, since clen will increase MPS in the body (17) And he even suggested that the increased growth of the influence of clenbuterol in May to be specific muscles and that the drugs work in May was not yet understood in a manner which circumvents (!) the physiological mechanisms responsible for controlling muscle growth (13). This could mean that clenbuterol can help blast you past "to accede to your point, without going through the usual mechanisms by which the anabolism is experienced! It should be noted that both the composition and size of muscle fibers has been shown to increase with administration of clen (14). In any case, it is clear that the results you want to play to those received by clen + exercise for 6 weeks or more. This type of dramatic anabolic effect was not confirmed in human studies (8), the anabolic effects of clen animal (eg, horses and rodents) studies are clearly amazing. Now, when I told you how clen, I will tell you how to take and Clen has biphastic liquidation, which means it is technically reduced in the body in 2 stages. This is not particularly important, because a recent study showed that for most intents and purposes, clen concentrations in the body decline with ½ life (approximately), which is equivalent to 7-9,2 hours and again, with a maximum 35 hours (4) (5). If you are really concerned, then, clen technically biphastically drop 10 and then 36 hours. But really, in our little world, where we use ½ life for us, if we take our next dose, what the devil is going to take clen, then a dose of 10 hours, and then the dose of 36 hours? We will adhere to 7-9 and a half hours earlier for the determination of the purpose of life, and take our clen every 3.5-4.5 hours we're awake, stopping early to even be in a position to get to bed. Clen can, in some people cause insomnia (and, like all stimulants, can cause anxiety in some countries). Recently it has become popular to take massive doses of clen in the morning, and he had that day. There is nothing wrong with that, I think, but I do not want to go through this kind of roller coaster of the formation of fog and shake until it wore off. Clenbuterol cycle Based on its rate of elimination from the body, and how he would normally be effective for athletes, my recommendations are the same for men and women. You should take 20mcgs to increase, then repeat the dose later that day and again the same day (if you find you can live with the consequences). So you can start with 20mcgs, then repeat the dose 2 times the same day, if you can tolerate (side effects will determine this handshake, sweat, etc. And the classic stimulant sides). Then you can start increasing the doses gradually. Personally, I would not be my way to work more than 200mcg/day. 60-120mcg/day is the average dose. And save your blood pressure (or under) 140/90, and on clen, just to be sure. If you go to the lowest dose. Want to know the temperature of the body, a week before taking your clen, and then monitor it (again, as soon as you wake up) clen throughout your plan. When he returned to the level it was before you began taking the clen, you need to start taking Benadryl or Ketotifen, because the decrease in body temperature to return to baseline levels indicating thermogenic effect begins to decrease. Clenbuterol May also cause a decrease in testicular androgen receptor, and in the lung, heart and central nervous system beta-adrenergic receptors (6.) It is possible to make steroids less effective (if there is a decrease in receptor androgens, as elsewhere, it is very likely) if you are on clen, but certainly do clen less effective as time passes, and preserve its adoption. To counter this, you can take some ketotifen every 3 or 4 weeks that you continue to clen. This is a recipe for the fight against histimines to make you drowsy (take before bedtime). In principle, this method is to reduce beta-2 activity, and to restore the function of receptors (15). Another option, if you are worried about receptor versions, taking Benadryl, at around 50-100mgs/night before bed (every 3 weeks, this week). Benadryl is sold as an anti-histamine in the United States and / or sleep aid in other countries around the world. However, beta-receptors in the cell outside the membrane phospholipids. The stability of the membrane has a lot to do with the functioning of receptors. Methylation of phospholipid binding is stimulated by beta-agonists to receptors. Phospholipids METHYLATED have nothing to do with the body, but when the body recognizes as foreign, it breaks with the phospholipase A2. This change in the structure of the outer membrane, leading to desensitization of beta receptors. On the other hand, agents that inhibit the phospholipase A2 slow desensitization. Cationic ampiphylic drugs known for their ability to inhibit phospholipase A2. Benadryl (diphenhydramine) is a cationic drug ampiphylic. Ergo, Benadryl slows desensitization of Beta receptors (ie upgrade) to inhibit phospholipase A2, an enzyme that breaks methylated phospholipids, and these, in turn, leads to phospholipids membrane stable, and thus save the receptors functioning properly. (7). This will allow you to use clen much, and it will always have the same effect. Also, since Benadryl is an anti-histamine, and histamines have a direct effect on beta-blockers (not just Beta-2, but some of them), using anti-histamine will have a direct impact on reducing the stimulation of beta-(16) and consequently upregulating your beta-receptors. Ephedrine Since we are talking about beta-receptors and upregulation, here, let me address the assertion that you can use ephedrine (or the ECA stack), alternating with clen, so that receptors in the fall. I do not know where this rumor, but it is absolutely false. To dispel this myth, studies of ephedrine for a second. I remember when I said that using clenbuterol to stimulate beta-2 receptors, as a strike under the hammer? Well, ephedrine, a sledge-hammer, he hits the Beta 2 and everything around them. Because it is not selective because it stimulates other receptors to a large extent, too. Anyway, one of these receptors as ephedrine hits a beta-2 (as Člen yeah. ..). As can be seen in the graph below (ephedrine is a solid circles), it reduced the beta-2-AndrenergicReceptor (which we call, in laymen saying: "The beta-2) to 32% of control level after 24 hours. Read again: Ephedrine, the study reduced the beta-2 at 32% of control after 24 hours. (see solid circles in this column represent ephedrine) Of course, it is not perfect, it is not in a living organism, etc. .. but there is no doubt that ephedrine would downregulate beta-2 .... therefore, you can not use it for several weeks between your updated clen receptors. Clenbuterol side effects Also, keep in mind that clenbuterol has some side effects. It is not great for your heart, and May also cause problems (enlargement of ventricles, etc), but most studies showing clen to cause heart problems in animals, and even though the dosing is almost similar that people are (as in some studies, it ranged from what would be a double dose of great ...), it is important to remember that animals have more beta-2 receptors and they cause some event chains that humans receptor beta-2 May not. Clen causes cardiac hypertrophy and cardiac necrosis (cell death), to some extent, in some cases. Again, although many studies have shown a large, possibly irreversible, heart problems with mg dosing. We humans take clen in mcg doses. If we want to duplicate the "therapeutic" levels of clen seen in more conservative studies, we have a little more 1mcg/lb body twice a day. I suggest a little less than half this dose, however. Questions clen also vary. Some studies show reduced exercise (cardiovascular) performance with clen (9), while the show that clen can alleviate asthma caused by exercise (10)! Obviously this issue will have different effects on different people, and I suspect that many of its sporting character. Many bodybuilders claim that clen, it is difficult to cardio, but I can play a game of rugby on it. You need to see how it affects you, and adjust your dose personally. Finally, this brings me to the issue of cramps while clen. I do not receive them. My friends do not receive them. Most of us, athletes who use clen during the season and the season, and one of my friends even claims that this gives him more "wind" (cardiovascular endurance). To get enough water each day, and you should be good. If you're really worried, you can take a little more minerals and taurine, since clen depletes taurine (11), like most, if not all beta-agonists. I do nothing more than my vitamins and minerals. Chart 1 Source: Aspet Journals, Vol. 58, Issue 2, 421-430, August 2000 Kinetic analysis agonist-induced Down-regulation of 2-adrenergic receptor in BEAS-2B cells reveals high-and low-affinity Components Bruce R. Williams, Roger Barber, and Richard B. Clark Annex 2 sets of links: J Appl Physiol 91: 2064-2070, 2001; 8750-7587/01 Chronic administration of therapeutic clenbuterol acts as a pre -- Charles F. Kearns 1, Kenneth H. McKeever 1, Karin Malinowski1, Maggie B. Struck 1, and Takashi Abe2 References: Int J Obes Related Metab Disord. 18 June 1994 (6) :429-33. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. July 2002; 283 (1): E146-53 J Appl Physiol. 2001 Nov; 91 (5) :2064-70 J Toxicol Options. 2001 May-June, 25 (4) :280-7. J Pharmacobiodyn. May 1985, 8 (5) :385-91. J Anim Physiol Anim Nutr (Berl). April 2004, 88 (3-4) :94-100 Prog Clin Biol Res. 1981, 63:383-8 Ann Pharmacother. January 1995, 29 (1) :75-7 Med Science Sports Exerc. 2002 Dec; 34 (12) :1976-85. Breathing. 1987, 51 (3) :205-13. 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Although often confused, as one is not a Člen or anabolic androgenic steroids. In fact, a thermogenic that is most often used for cutting and fat loss cycles. As a thermogenic agent, it tends to stimulate the metabolism of the user to a point where they can really feel the increase in body temperature. It is also popular among men and women bodybuilders. Most people have very strong energy peak at 15 minutes after each dose. This feature makes it popular in the intensive training of the tablet. Approximately 8% of users experience the effect of drowsiness. For this group, taking Člen the night before bedtime is a reasonable compromise. Dosage: Clen is a powerful stimulant, and should be used with caution. Start with small doses and increase as necessary. We strongly recommend that people take their first couple of doses far apart on a non-training day to enable them to judge the impact of the product better. This is not your first dose immediately before the making. A typical dose is 1 capsule twice daily. If you need more than to feel the effects of this product, you will probably have more receptors are stimulated and you have to take a cycle of 30-60 days. Side effects: The excessive use of Člen may lead to an unhealthy level of fat loss. Such a result could lead to rapid adaptation, and behavior can lead to burns and overtraining. The parties must comply with excessive palpitations, dry mouth, vomiting, anxiety, insomnia, drowsiness and loss of appetite. Identity Theft: False were registered but not confirmed to date. Clen is easy to find and inexpensive to make it less desirable to counterfeiting. You can get real research Člen anabolic. Each bottle of Člen has a holographic logo for the label to ensure its accuracy.