понедельник, 20 июля 2009 г.


(Nandrolone decanoate) Deca - Durabolin ( "Deca") is actually a brand name of Organon version of nandrolone decanoate. This 19-Nor compound (some would say that this is neither the 19-connection), and as such it is essentially the same with all the characteristics of them. Deca one above almost all steroids, is the mystique he had in the last quarter century. On a personal level, I have included in Deca cycles at doses of 2000 AMS 100mgs/week week. Suffice it to say, I share my experience with this compound. This drug is very well regarded in Dan Duchaine Steroid Handbook, and many of his recent writings. For many, this has been and remains the last word in the bridge. Let's dive into some of the reasons why the Deca mysticism, it is deserved. First, the bridge (nandrolone, and in general) do not produce many estrogenic or androgenic effects. This is because Deca has a very low level of aromatization (conversion to estrogen by the aromatase enzyme), approximately equal to 20% of the rate of testosterone. In addition, I read many places that the water in the stores Deca tissue and relieve pain in joints. I have no idea what "storing water in the joints" means. I do not really know how to quantify this statement, or when it began. However, in a study postmenapusal women CAED impoved collagen synthesis (1), and in another study to increase the bone mineral content of the bridge. (2) In these two studies used very low doses that were too low to promote muscle growth. In my opinion, on the basis 2 of these studies, an athlete attempting to use Deca for these two effects (increase in bone mineral density and collagen synthesis), the use of deca 100mg every week. It is due to a higher dose than the two studies have used successfully. Even at half this dose, the HIV + patients who have suffered significant cost and 100mg/E2W (every 2 weeks) injection of the bridge leading to a significant increase in weight (5). I never recommend the lowest dose for athletes, but the evidence strongly anabolic Deca. Deca highly anabolic, resulting in a good (albeit slowly) improving the quality of muscle. May this be due to its relatively strong binding to the androgen receptor and its many non-androgen receptor mediated effects. Such an effect is the retention of nitrogen, which is one of the main factors of growth and gains in lean muscle mass and, in one study, low dose (65 mg / week) and high doses of deca ( 200 mg per week), and low-dose and high doses resulted in significant retention of nitrogen (33-52 g nitrogen/14 days, representing gains of 0.5 to 0.9 kg of fabric lean / week) and body weight increased by 4.9 + / - 1.2 kg, including 3.1 + / - 0.5 kg lean body mass, and the management of the activity (cardio-vascular, from fitness) also improved (7). Do I need to say that the higher doses in this study produced more profit? Steroid.com members who have posted their results with the deca to confirm this in many posts and son, with their average time to 400-600mgs/week muscle reccomendation. I agree. Deck also has a very long shelf life. We can see from the table below, the firing 100mg Deca (represented by circles), produced relatively active and stable plasma levels of nandrolone to about 10 days, once per week plans are anything which is necessary to ensure stability nandrolond decanoate (As a side note, the nandrolone phenylpropionate used in this study was active, and only a sharp drop of about 5 per day, shooting plants every 4 days en route). You'll also notice that the increase in plasma levels of nandrolone found with gluteal injection versus deltoid injection (which is true for all oil-based steroids, I suppose). In another study, HIV + men (6) we find that the deca (200mg for 1 week, 400 for 2 weeks and 600mg for weeks 3-12) has no negative side effects of total or LDL-cholesterol, triglycerides, or insulin sensitivity and lower HDL cholesterol (8-10 points) in both groups. In addition, most studies on HIV + subjects, Dean also improve immune function. So what we know to date on this complex? So far, we know that Deca is a safe drug for long-term use contributes to common problems, improve immune function in May, and very (!) Is not very anabolic and androgenic. This is good news (and there are many things), now the bad news: Deca is the quality of the production of weight gain, but must be used within 12 weeks, at least judging Steroid.com member feedback, as well as my own personal experience. This should not cause problems, because it is very flexible in terms of drug side effects. Deca - Durabolin Side Effects Many members of Steroid.com also complain of water retention with this drug, and again, I am inclined to agree. Letrozole appears to be the preferred option to deal with this, and this is my favorite for this use. This water is likely to make Deca more suitable for bulking rather strongly that, even if it can be used successfully before. Now, for the worst news: Deca is a progestin (like all nandrolone), unfortunately, it is stimulating progesterone receptor 20% as well as progesterone itself (3), and it opens the door to many undesirable side effects (water retention, acne etc. ..). It should be noted that most of them are rare, however. May it also be a major reason why a Deca suppressive drug when it comes to your natural level of testosterone. We can see the table below that pitiful simgle Deca 100mg injections caused the whole (100%) reduction in natural levels of testosterone, and it took about a month to return to these levels of testosterone at the base! All from 100mg of Deca! The moral of this story? Always use Deca with testosterone! I propose to 200mg a minimum to avoid impotence and sexual dysfunction. For the anabolic effects of testosterone, I recommend at least twice more, with an equal amount of bridge (at least). I also recommend taking anti-progesteronic Bridge drugs (or at least its part) and cabergoline Bromocriptine is a good choice. Deca - Durabolin Cycle So where are we? Well, I recommend comfortable Deca for use in bulking cycle 600mgs/week long term (12-16 weeks) or until a sharp 400mgs/week cycle (again, for 12-16 weeks) as long as something to address the retention is present. What is the purpose that you choose to use Deca, you must include in your cycle of testosterone and anti-progesteronic control (see paragraph above), just in case. Post-cycle therapy (PCT), well beyond the scope of this profile, you must comment. Because of the repressive nature of the decoration, I'm going to assume that testosterone deca-inclusive cycle must be executed for at least 2 weeks after the end of December. We are aware of the table is higher than the basic level of testosterone, took about a month to go back. Thus, a long estered testosterone should be started about 2 weeks longer than the bridge to prevent it from falling behind in time, when the bridge is not the formation of the anabolic effects, but it is still deleting your testosterone levels naturally. I would also like particularly aggressive PCT be run after the cycle NOLVADEX, hCG, and perhaps, Clomid should be used in an attempt to restore the levels of natural hormones, as quickly and efficiently as possible. Buy Deca - Derabolin To buy Deca - Durabolin human pharmaceutical evaluation of the donor that the stocks of the Organon brand will be an expensive proposition. You may pay more than $ 10USD for the amplifier or 2 ml vial, and the product (in my opinion) probably the most false of steroids in the world. Acquisition of quality veterinary medicine will make it much cheaper, with $ 75 in the average price for the ten milliliter bottle. There are also many underground labs that produce the drug and usually 10-20ml of 200mg/ml concentration never run more than $ 100. Deca Information (Base + Nandrolone decanoate ester) [19-nor-androst-4-ene-3-one-17beta-OL] Molecular Weight (base): 274.4022 Molecular Weight (ester): 172.2668 Formula (base): C18 H26 O2 Formula (ester): C10 H20 O2 Melting Point (base): 122-124 ° C Melting Point (ester): 31 - 32 Manufacturer: Organon Release Date (U.S. $): 1962 Effective Dose (men): 200-600mgs/week (2mg/lb body) Effective Dose (Women): 50-100mgs/week Working life: 15 days Detection time: up to 18 months Anabolic / Androgenic ratio: 125:37 References: Metabolism. 1990 Nov; 39 (11) :1167-9 Effects of nandrolone decanoate on bone mineral content R, Righi GA, Turchetti V, A. Vattimo). Cancer Res 1978 Nov 38 (11 Pt 2) :4186-98 (Charts) of Minto et al AIDS. 10 June 1996 (7) :745-52 Sattler et al. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 283: e1214-22 J acquire Immune Defic Syndr Hum Retrovirol. 1999 Feb 1; 20 (2) :137-46.

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